

日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Hollywood, je t'aime (2009)
2019-05-12 2009 Hollywood, Je T'aime (USA)



Plot Summary:Recently broken up and barely enduring a dreary winter, gay Parisian Jérôme Beaunez impulsively books a solo Christmas vacation to Los Angeles. While there he meets some colorful locals and pursues a dormant desire to become a movie star - but never can quite put the past behind him. In this meditation on love and narcissism across continents, Jérôme goes far in the sun-drenched City of Angels but ultimately arrives at an old Hollywood maxim: there's no place like home.
杰罗姆(Eric Debets 饰)刚刚得知自己的前男友找到了意中人,这让还没有从上一段感情中走出来的他感到非常的痛苦。为了冲淡痛苦,杰罗姆来到了洛杉矶,一边享受着这里充足的阳光,一边努力实现成为演员的梦想。   然而,现实是 残酷的,在洛杉矶,杰罗姆很快就花光了兜里所有的钱。幸运的是,他遇见了善良的诺曼和卡拉莎,在两人的帮助下,杰罗姆总算不会落得流落街头的下场。在一场沙滩之旅中,杰罗姆遇见了名为罗斯的男子,英俊帅气的罗斯很快就吸引了杰罗姆的注意,在罗斯的帮助下,杰罗姆在演艺圈渐渐有名起来,但直到此时,杰罗姆才有空开始思考,他现在手上拥有的一切,真的是他想要的吗?
