



Plot Summary:Hajime Onchi leads the committee for labor union of national airline NAL. Hajime Onchi and vice committee head, Shiro Gyoten confront management of NAL, demanding better working conditions. The working conditions at NAL is so poor that fatal incidents could occur. Hajime Onchi, always place safety first, is demoted to a remote location abroad. Meanwhile, Shiro breaks away from Hajime and joins the management side to further his career. An airplane crash involving NAL takes place. Hajime Onchi returns to Japan and faces the grieving bereaved families. To resurrect NAL, the government places Masayuki Kunimi as the president of NAL. The new president of NAL calls Hajime to investigate the widespread corruption at the airline. Hajime soon encounters former ally Shiro Gyoten as he attempts to block his investigation.
国民航空的公会会长恩地元和其身为副会长的好友行天四郎,为了改善极度恶劣的劳工环境,与公司高层产生了激烈的矛盾冲突。恩地永远将飞行安全放在第一位,时而采取莽撞的行动,因此被公司高层疏远,甚至被远派海外。另一方面,奉行现实主义的行天与恩地诀别,进入了公司高层,为了创造自己理想中的公司而步步高升。   终于,轻视飞行安全的国民航空公司发生了一起史无前例的大型客机坠毁惨剧。回到日本的恩地成为事故遗属负责人,真诚积极地去面对这些亲人生命被无情剥夺的遗属们的悲伤情绪。期间,日本政府为了重建国民航空,将关西纺织的国见调任过去,担任要职。国见担任会长后,提拔了恩地担任会长室部长,并让其彻查组织内部的违法行为。恩地对一度令自己失望透顶的公司重燃信心,四处奔走。而挡在他面前的人,则是爬上常务之位的行天……
