Plot Summary:Ronnie Blevins (Martin Papazian) is a writer, an undiscovered Kerouac who speaks the narration of his life. Recently released from prison, this harmless convict has been tasked by his overanxious literary agent (Shaun Duke) to re-write a classic love story set in a futuristic dystopian Los Angeles. By day, he writes at a local Venice diner where he meets Amber (Marina Benedict), a street sexy mercurial waitress whose troubled past is cut into her scarred skin. As Ronnie's screenplay develops, reality and imagination influence the other as the story-within-the-story and their relationship become one. And if Ronnie and Amber can hold onto each other through the personal storms that ensue, their love may become the inspiration for a great love story in the City of Angles.
An imaginative love story that centers on a struggling writer and brokenhearted waitress who find the ability to once again believe in love amidst a world both real and imagined. Losing In Love imaginatively explores how transformative love (and pain) can be.