

主演:Jean-Michel Dupuis 芬尼·科腾肯 娜莎丽·罗赛 

导演:Bruno Carrière / 编剧:让-克劳德·卡瑞尔 Jean-Claude Carrière/Olivier Pouponneau





Plot Summary:Claude is 46 years old. After his divorce five years earlier, he moved to Tours where he started his own business. He is about to start a new life with Marie, a beautiful 37-year-old woman who has a son from a first marriage, Sylvain, 8 years old. A banal story of stepfamily? No, because of his previous life, Claude has kept nothing. His ex-wife Jeanne, a forty-year-old nurse, raises their 15-year-old daughter Colline in Paris alone. Claude very rarely sees the teenager going through a serious existential crisis. The reason for such a distancing is the tragedy that occurred five years earlier in the life of this family: the eldest son, Simon, 15 years old at the time, drowned accidentally in the pool of their second home, on the island of Oléron. But a storm has damaged this house. At the request of Hill, who can not bear to see the memories of his childhood disappear, Claude agrees to go there to make repairs. Marie - who knows nothing about the drama - and Sylvain accompany him. Here Claude finds himself forced to mix his two \"lives\" and tell the whole truth to Mary. In this violent confrontation, he also reveals the secret he had hitherto hidden: Simon did not die accidentally as the investigation had concluded; he committed suicide .
