法提赫苏丹的命令Kara Murat Fatih'in Fermanı(1972)


主演:菊奈德·阿尔肯 美拉莱.奥尔浑塞 哈蕾.索伊噶兹 Melda Sözen Turgut Özatay Mualla Omay Kenan Pars Erol Tas Süheyl Egriboz 阿提拉.埃尔根 Kayhan Yildizoglu Bora Ayanoglu Özdemir Aydin Arap Celal Atif Kaptan 

导演:Natuk Baytan / 编剧:Erdogan Tünas/Fuat Özlüer





Plot Summary:Sultan Khan of Ottoman Empire has fallen in love with Princess Iren of Byzantium. When he asks her father Niktol for her hand he refuses and tries to kill Khan. The Sultan's armies then attack and overtake Constantinople (now renamed Istanbul). Niktol kills Princess Iren and flees with his army to the island of Lesbos. From Lesbos, Niktol launches a series of ruthless attacks on Turkish villages resulting in the death of one of the Sultan's guard's mother. The guard, Murat, is sent by the Sultan on a mission to avenge his mother's death and bring back the head of the man who killed Iren. Murat goes undercover in Lesbos posing as Royal Guard Kostas, seeking the killers.
15世纪,奥斯曼帝国的扩张政策来苏丹默罕默德(法提赫)做了巨大的贡献。正时苏丹默罕默德喜欢上了拜占庭公主伊莲娜,但被伊莲娜拒绝。伊莲娜的父亲想刺杀奥斯曼苏丹。1453年,奥斯曼土耳其军队占领了君士坦丁堡而改为伊斯坦布尔。拜占庭皇帝尼克托杀死了自己的公主伊莲娜,然后逃到莱斯堡岛。苏丹看了伊莲娜的尸体,就命令一定要找到杀人凶手。   才能的禁卫军将士穆拉德接受了使命,就去莱斯堡岛卧底警探逃亡的拜占庭皇帝侍卫军。
