
又名:Miyamoto Musashi

主演:木村拓哉 香川照之 真木阳子 中谷美纪 夏帆 松田翔太 西田敏行 八千草薰 高冈早纪 泽村一树 

导演:兼崎凉介 / 编剧:吉川英治 Eiji Yoshikawa/佐藤嗣麻子 Shimako Sato




日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 宫本武蔵 (共2集-繁体字幕)宮本武蔵 .2014.zip
2019-05-12 宫本武蔵 (共2集-繁体字幕)宮本武蔵 .2014.zip


Plot Summary:Miyamoto Musashi left his village and ended up fighting in the battle of Sekigahara with his friend Matahachi, but Miyamoto Musashi lost Matahachi. He goes back to the village to inform Matahachi's family about what happened. At the village, he is persecuted by people there. Miyamoto Musashi becomes worn down physically and mentally. At this time, Soho Takuan appears in front of Miyamoto Musashi . He then rebuilds his life with his sword. Musashi begins to travel for warrior training. He meets many masters of the sword and grows as a person.
十七世纪初,著名的关原之战爆发。渴望出人头地的作州人新免武藏(木村拓哉 饰)所在军队惨败,为了将好友本位田又八的消息带回家乡,他冒着被当作残党的危险返回,结果被武功高强的僧人泽庵(香川照之 饰)擒住。垂死之际,他得到又八的未婚妻阿通(真木阳子 饰)的救助,并带着这名可怜女子逃跑。途中武藏再度被擒,却于牢狱中自发展开了作为一名武者的修炼。四年后,姫路城主池田(笹野高史 饰)为其赐名宫本武藏,允许他云游四方,磨炼武功。在之后的岁月里,武藏拜访了吉冈清十郎(松田翔太 饰)、柳生石舟斋宗岩(武田铁矢 饰)、日观住持(西田敏行 饰)等名家,更注定重逢宿命的对手佐佐木小次郎(泽村一树 饰)。   一代武术名家的传奇,全新上演……
