
又名:Regatta: Kimi to ita eien / 水漾青春

主演:相武纱季 速水直道 松田翔太 

导演:新城毅彦 / 高桥伸之 / 编剧:江头美智留 Michiru Egashira





Plot Summary:Makoto is a promising oarsman at a University regatta team. One day, he loses his best friend by a tragic accident which he believes and blames himself for the very cause. Although he once leaves the team out of tremendous sense of responsibility, he finally decides to return by the encouragement of Misao and his teammates, and moreover, for the love and passion of regatta. He is determined than ever to become a top class oarsman and struggles to fulfill his dream to participate in the Olympic games. Through the severe practices and competitions of regatta, Makoto learns the bitterness and difficulties of life. Rivalry with teammates, agonies of love and friendship.
故事发生在2004年的夏天,大泽(速水重道 饰)和仓田(洼冢俊介 饰)是学校赛艇部的部员,两人同青梅竹马的玩伴小操(相武纱季 饰)约定,三人一起努力,获得参加奥运会的资格,为国争光。然而,一场意外的发生让仓田不幸的失去了性命,被愧疚感折磨的大泽选择了放弃赛艇这项运动,同时也离开了一直深爱着的小操。   一晃眼数年过去,大泽和名为千香子(若槻千夏 饰)的女孩开始了交往,然而,过去了阴影还是常常困扰着他,不仅如此,大泽意识到,自己内心里对于小操的爱慕从来就没有断绝过。最终,大泽决定重回赛艇部,然而,他的选择却遭到了八木(松田翔太 饰)的强烈反对。
