冷静下来数到七آرام باش و تا هفت بشمار(2008)

又名:走私少年七日谭(港) / 数到七就死 / 嘘……数到七 / Aram bash va ta hatf beshmar / Be Calm and Count to Seven

上映日期:2008-12(迪拜电影节) / 2009-01-25(伊朗)片长:89分钟

主演:Omid Abdollahi Hedayat Hashemi 

导演:Ramtin Lavafipour / 编剧:Ramtin Lavafipour





Plot Summary:On an island in the south of Iran, the lives of several people are unintentionally tied to each other: the father of a thirteen-year old boy named Moto has smuggled few people out of Iran, and has not yet returned home; Moto, involved in goods smuggling, is looking for signs of his father; another, a man who is an intermediary in goods smuggling has a wife and child living in Tehran. The man is not satisfied with wife's intention for emigrating abroad, and feels helpless as he is losing his last hope for a better life. And, finally, a bride, whose groom has left her on the first night of their marriage
在这部电影中讲述了伊朗沿海地区一个小村庄从事的地下经济活动,从一开始的走私货物到人口,形势变得更加严峻。墨图是这伙由年轻人组成的犯罪团伙的首领,经营着通过海上船只走私大量货物的非法事业。他们的家族成员也参与其中,只不过墨图的父亲却在偷渡外国人的时候意外失踪了。没有人知道他去了哪里也不确定他是否还活着。墨图的生意也变得更加危险,他需要面对的还有来自妻子日益加重的压力以及威胁到自己的疾病。   该片获得2009年鹿特丹国际电影节最高荣誉金老虎奖以及1万5千欧元的奖金。这部影片是伊朗人拉玛汀·拉瓦费波尔的电影处女作,独立完成了其中的导演、编剧、制片和剪辑等多项工作。影片以纪录片式的风格真实再现了伊朗风貌,并且透过一个小村庄发生的悲剧故事来反应传统生活逐渐瓦解,转而被现代快餐消费的社会所取代。
