格雷斯·奎吉莉Grace Quigley(1984)

又名:格蕾丝·奎格利 / 买凶杀自己


主演:凯瑟琳·赫本 尼克·诺特 Kit Le Fever 奇普·兹恩 威廉·达尔 伊莉莎白·威尔森 沃尔特·艾贝尔 Frances Pole Truman Gaige 葆拉·特鲁曼 克里斯托弗·莫尼 Nicholas Kepros Harris Laskawy Carl Low 伊莎贝拉·霍普斯 Dortha Duckworth 丹妮·狄龙 Joyce Worsley Jerome Collamore 舍曼·霍华德 Ruby Payne 

导演:安东尼·哈维 / 编剧:A·马丁·茨威巴赫 A. Martin Zweiback





Plot Summary:Grace Quigley is nearing the end of her life, living alone in her New York apartment. One day she witnesses a murder being committed by top hit-man, Seymour Flint. She decides to blackmail him into killing her, however, she has one or two friends he has to get rid of first.
Grace Quigley is nearing the end of her life, living alone in her New York apartment. One day she witnesses a murder being committed by top hit-man, Seymour Flint. She decides to blackmail him into killing her, however, she has one or two friends he has to get rid of first.   —Col Needham
