The Real St. Nick(2012)


主演:托里·德维托 卡拉德·哈瑞斯 Matt Felker 肯尼斯·崔 罗马·玛菲娅 Alix Elizabeth Gitter Mark Adair-Rios 

导演:佩内洛普·斯皮瑞斯 / 编剧:Steven Palmer Peterson/Stephanie Rennie

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The Real St. Nick:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Devitto stars as psychiatrist Kate, who attends to a handsome but unconscious man in a Santa Claus suit who saved her during an earthquake. When he awakens and insists he is Santa Claus, he is placed in the hospital's psychiatric wing, where his Christmas spirit soon "infects" everyone in the ward and Kate can't help falling for the man even before she finds out his real identity.
