Big Shamus, Little Shamus(1979)


主演:布莱恩·丹内利 道格·麦克昂 凯瑟琳·利·斯科特 乔治·维内尔 辛西娅·赛克斯 拉娜·伍德 摩根·费尔切尔德 杰克·卡特 布里翁·詹姆斯 路易莎·兰瑟姆 威廉姆·西尔维斯特 亚当·威斯特 

导演:梅尔·达米斯基 / 罗德·霍尔卡穆 / 莱斯利·H·马丁森 / 编剧:Tracy Hotchner/克里斯托弗·克诺夫 Christopher Knopf

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Big Shamus, Little Shamus:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Arnie Sutter was the house detective at the Hotel Ansonia in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA prior to legalized gambling. After gambling was legalized, the Ansonia got a second lease on life and built a new casino which brought more "undesirable" elements into the hotel. Arnie must now chase prostitutes, con men, thieves, etc. in order to keep the casino "clean." Arnie who lives in the hotel with his 13-year-old son Max, works for George Korman. Other characters on the show include assistant manager Stephanie Marsh, desk clerk Jerry Wilson and Jingles Lodestar, an undercover security guard posing as a cocktail waitress.
