Plot Summary:A true story about a band made up of singers and musicians with a wide range of mental and physical disabilities. This documentary is an inspiring look at a special group and their dream to make music. Revealing their struggles and triumphs, as performers and people, dealing with severe challenges while on a journey to become true musicians and perform to large audiences. With passionate concert footage and intimate behind-the-scenes glimpses into the band member's lives, the film paints a heart-warming portrait of what people with disabilities can do when given a chance.
一个真实的关于一个由各种精神或者身体上有缺陷的歌手和音乐人所组成的乐队故事。 纪录片鼓舞人心地呈现这样一个特殊的团体和他们的音乐梦。挖掘他们的挣扎与荣耀以及他们作为演出者同时也是平常人,在成为真正的音乐人并且在人群表演的道理中怎样解决随之而来的棘手问题。 电影通过激情四溢的演唱会注解和近距离在幕后对乐队成员现实生活的点滴追踪,渲染出这些缺陷人士,一旦他们能拥有机会能达到的成就这样一幅令人欣慰的画面。