

主演:蒋介石 Kai-Shek Chiang 宋美龄 毛泽东 约瑟夫·斯大林 

导演:列昂尼德·瓦尔拉莫夫 / 编剧:康斯坦丁·西蒙诺夫 Konstantin Simonov





Plot Summary:This color propaganda film documentary account of the Communist conquest of China begins in 1929 (all archive footage) when Mao Tse-Tung and his small army held only a few cities in the northern part of China. The band of revolutionaries increased when the poverty-stricken citizens joined the Communist ranks in a response to promises of land reforms and relief. When Japan attacked the country in 1937, it was Mao's Communist army, according to this film, which took the brunt of the defense fighting with ancient weapons. When World War II ended, the Communists began their surge to take over China. All the important cities fell to the rebels. Equipment sent by the United States for the defense of Nationalist China fell into the hands of Mao's army. The Komintang in time was pushed to the border of Viet Nam and victory went to Mao while the remnants of Cgiang's army escaped to the island of Formosa.
