El cerco del diablo(1952)


主演:Margarita Andrey Valeriano Andrés Rafael Bardem 何塞·博达洛 José María Lado Guillermo Marín 费尔南多·雷伊 Luis Prendes 

导演:安东尼奥·德尔·阿莫 / Enrique Gómez / 埃德加·内维列 / 何塞·安东尼奥·涅维斯·孔德 / 阿图罗·鲁伊斯·卡斯蒂略 / 编剧:Camilo José Cela/何塞·马利亚·埃洛列塔 José María Elorrieta

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El cerco del diablo:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Six different stories belonging to the fantasy genre, directed by several filmmakers, which allude to death, the Devil, the afterlife and the supernatural.
