周六夜现场:本·斯蒂勒/Foster the People(2011)


主演:本·斯蒂勒 Foster the People 弗莱德·阿米森 比尔·哈德尔 休·杰克曼 


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周六夜现场:本·斯蒂勒/Foster the People:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After Mitt Romney and Chris Christie (Sudeikis and Moynihan) alternately bore and entertain the press, Ben Stiller hosts: he's in a sketch about Jewish food, stars who can do action flicks as well as musical comedy, a guy who wears the ultimate V-neck tee shirt, a boss at an office party smitten by a flatulent coworker, Bruce Springsteen, and, Derek Zoolander, Stefano's date on Weekend Update. "Fox and Friends" takes on Hank Williams Jr. Throughout, Lincoln Financial Group commercials introduce people to their future selves. Foster the People sings; Hugh Jackman and Kenny G drop by.
第37季第3集 共和党候选人罗姆尼想要争取更多的选民,可是选民们问的最多的问题竟然是:“为什么新泽西州长Chris不参选?”本期主持人Ben Stiller,身为犹太人的他也不忘推销犹太人的节日和美味食物.....FOX采访了最近将奥巴马比喻成希特勒的Hank W Jr,而在休·杰克曼主持的“two sides”节目中,则请来了三位明星,其中就有Clint Eastwood和哈利波特扮演者Daniel Redcliff,本期音乐嘉宾Foster the people。
