
又名:Memories of You


主演:后藤久美子 仲村亨 佐藤友美 柳泽慎吾 渡边修三 露口茂 绪形拳 高峰三枝子 

导演:泽井信一郎 / 编剧:丸山昇一





Plot Summary:University student Akira meets the lovely 14-year-old Yumi, whom he had tutored years ago. Her mother is told by her doctor that the schoolgirl has leukaemia and has only 6 months to live. So the mother entreats Akira to be her special friend. Yumi's condition remains stable for a while, but on the day that Akira leaves for Nagano for his teacher training, she suddently falls ill in school and then goes to a friend's villa in the resort town of Karuzawa to recuperate. She is able to visit Akira from time to time, and this eases her fear and suffering. But when summer is over, Yumi's condition deteriorates, and finally Akira takes her to Mount Hodaka where, as she falls into her final delirium, they express their deep love for each other.
广濑由美(后藤久美子 饰)被确诊患上了白血病,只剩下半年的生命了。母亲友子(三田佳子 饰)为了能够让由美在幸福中走完一生,于是拜托由美非常仰慕的大学男子上条明(仲村亨 饰),希望他能够以恋人的身份陪伴在由美的身边。   夏天来临之际,病情一直很平稳的由美,晕倒在了学校里,此时的上条恰恰好不在她的身旁。之后,由美休了学,决定前往轻井泽疗养。本来只是为了完成任务的上条,在和由美的相处之中渐渐的真心爱上了这个单纯烂漫的可怜女孩,但这段感情注定是绝望的,要以死亡来做句读。
