2012 奥德赛(2006)


主演:Gregg Braden John Major Jenkins Rick Levine 

导演:Sharon Rose / 编剧:Terence McKenna

2012 奥德赛:在线播放

2012 奥德赛:最新迅雷BT资源

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2012 奥德赛:剧情介绍

有些人相信玛雅历会在2012年终结,整个世界也会随之殒灭。本记录片中将探求现代人类对这个启示如此着迷的抽象原因。(文:life_is_good@YDY)   Some believe that the Mayan calendar will end in December 2012 -- and the world with it. In a departure from ubiquitous doomsday predictions, this documentary explores the metaphysical reasons for modern humankind's fascination with apocalypse.
