Noel Coward - Bon Voyage(1985)


主演:奈杰尔·哈弗斯 朱迪·帕瑞福特 Helen Horton 厄休拉·豪威尔斯 Doreen Mantle Ed Devereaux 

导演:麦克·瓦尔迪 / 编剧:诺埃尔·考沃德 Noel Coward/Stanley Price

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Noel Coward - Bon Voyage:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The Videograss crew brings you their newest movie titled Bon Voyage. Things went really well this season, so expect some mind melting parts from Justin Bennee, Mikey Leblanc, Jed Anderson, ...
Roddy and Lola strike up a romance on the cruise liner SS Mara as it heads to Hong Kong from San Francisco.
