The Delightful Rogue(1929)


主演:罗德·拉·罗克奎 丽塔·拉罗伊 Charles Byer Ed Brady Harry Semels Sammy Blum 伯特·穆尔豪斯 

导演:Lynn Shores / 莱斯利·皮尔斯 / 编剧:Wallace Smith

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The Delightful Rogue:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lastro (Rod La Rocque), a rogue pirate sails to Tapit where he encounters Nydra (Rita La Roy), an Americana singer in a waterfront dive, who is the object of of the jealous affections on Harry Beall (Charles Byer). The latter soon finds himself in the clutches of Lastro and, in order to win his release, she must spend the night in oily Lastr's cabin. Nothing occurs but conversation but Beall has a green-eyed frenzy hissy-fit, and the disgusted Nydra sets sail with Lastra.
