

主演:克莱门汀·塞拉里耶 Franck Baruk Alain Aithnard Barthélémy Bompard Jimmy Brouté 

导演:Anita Assal / Barthélémy Bompard / Philippe Dorison / John Hudson / Jean-Marie Maddeddu / Yann Piquer / Alain Robak / 编剧:Philippe Bompard/Philippe Dorison/Jean-Marie Maddeddu/Yann Piquer/Alain Robak/Jean-Marc Toussaint/Hugo Verlomme



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 ADRENALINE (1990) Special Edition DVDR



Plot Summary:The Blind, Anita Assal and John Hudson # 5. In a desert, a blind man loses his cane, caught in a trap. While crawling, he joins a line of blind people queuing to see a movie - Métrovision, by Yann Piquer. A man (Yann Piquer) waits on a platform of the Parisian metro. The train arrives in the direction of Balard (terminus of line 8). He found himself surprisingly alone on board. The metro starts, moves forward at full speed, accelerates without stopping at any station, to the point of terrorizing its only passenger. Rêvestriction, by Barthélémy Bompard. A woman (Bernadette Coqueret) sees her ceiling go down and her walls come closer. Graffiti, by Barthélémy Bompard. An old lady (Marie-Christine Munchery) kills kittens (off screen), and uses the blood to draw graffiti. The elephant cemetery, by Philippe Dorison. A used car takes its driver to the scrapyard. Bottling, by Barthélémy Bompard. A man (Franck Baruk) encountered some difficulties in popping the cork of a bottle - Corridor, by ...
