奥德赛:终极之旅Odyssey: The Ultimate Trip(1977)


主演:罗伯特·科尔曼 Nancy Dare Crystal Sync Michael Gaunt 特丽·藿尔 Don Peterson  莎伦·米切尔 葛洛莉娅·伦纳德 萨曼莎·福克斯 Dory Devon 赫歇尔·萨维奇 舍·杰·莱茵 Susan McBain 韦德·尼科尔斯 Bobby Astyr 凡妮莎·德尔·瑞奥 Peter Andrews 

导演:杰拉德·达米亚诺 / 





Plot Summary:Three unrelated stories. The first is about a dissatisfied, hurtful couple clinging together to spite each other rather than take the risk of finding a relationship. The second story consists of a series of female clients at a psychologist's office that each tell their bitter and sad stories of how they developed their attitudes towards men or sex in general. The final story is a day in the life of a model that can't seem to get past posing for the men's magazine circuit, the daily abuse she deals with, her feelings of enslavement, and the impact upon her sanity.
三个无关的故事:   第一个故事是一对不满意的夫妇互相怨恨,而不愿意找到恢复关系的办法。   第二个故事由一个心理学家办公室的一系列女性客户组成,每个人都讲述了她们痛苦和悲伤的故事,讲述了她们是如何形成对男性或一般性行为的态度。   最后一个故事是一个模特的生命中的一天,她似乎无法忘记为男性杂志巡回演出摆姿势,她每天面对的虐待,她被奴役的感觉,以及对她理智的影响。
