美杜莎之筏Splav Meduze(1980)

又名:The Medusa Raft


主演:Olga Kacijan Vladislava Milosavljevic Boris Komnenic 

导演:卡波·阿西莫维奇·戈迪纳 / 编剧:Branko Vucicevic



日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Splav meduze aka The Medusa Raft



Plot Summary:In the early 20's there's a group on anarchic artistic yugoslawian yahoos traipsing around the rural never-lands of what then was the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. The leader of the pack is a Serbian futurist/dadaist poet and bohemian Ljubisa Micic, who with his friends, lovers and partners, starts the highly ephemeral, Balkan's own avant guard movement the Zenith(ism)! Odd things happen as they get mired in our lovely, mostly Panonian muddy roads, while the cablegrams and exchanges keep pouring from the source so diverse (and equally famous) as a Tristan Tzarra (auf Zurich!), Vladimir Vl. Majakovsky (auf Moskau!) or the beloved Italian futurist Marinetti! Against the backdrop of the genius misplaced, some gorgeous Slavic women, brave and insane eccentrics (including the Slovenian strongman a la Zampone in Fellini's "La strada") -there's much to marvel upon and learn from this 1980 pearl of the Yugoslavian cinematography.
