Plot Summary:Tzu-Huei is a lonely woman addicted to magic medicine help her dream of a beautiful date. A coincidence made her experience a special dream never imagined. However, no matter how real the dream seen to be, she needs to wake up eventually.
「夢中情人果汁」是一款神奇的靈藥, 只要使用者把中意對象的照片和靈藥打入果汁機後飲用, 就能夢到和對方共渡一晚的美妙約會。 祖慧老師,年過三十,單身逾三十載, 迷過日劇、韓劇、偶像劇, 近來則沉迷於夜夜周旋在不同的夢中情人間。 相信生活充滿了浪漫就是愛, 以為每晚都有人陪就不寂寞。 然而當唯美的愛情也成了一種日常生活的公式。 打開門,今夜的夢中情人卻讓她意想不到…