福星小子 OVA 和灵魂约会霊魂とデート(1991)


主演:古川登志夫 平野文 井上和彦 神谷明 鹫尾真知子 杉山佳寿子 永井一郎 

导演:未知编剧:高桥留美子 Rumiko Takahashi

福星小子 OVA 和灵魂约会:在线播放

福星小子 OVA 和灵魂约会:最新迅雷BT资源

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福星小子 OVA 和灵魂约会:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Tsubame finds the spirit of a young girl (Maiko) he'd previously saved in his bed as he's getting ready for a date with Sakura. Maiko attaches herself to Tsubame, claiming him as her boyfriend. When Sakura's attempt to exorcise her fails Maiko runs off with Tsubame. Sakura summons the spirit a boy (Mamoru) she hears on Maiko's Walkman who turns out to be her actual boyfriend whom she broke up with. At the end, they work things out and using Mamoru's camera they (and Mendo) return to the spirit world together.
阳光明媚,风和日丽的日子里,樱花老师焦急等待着迟到的爱人阿燕,结果却碰上了令人头疼的诸星当,这让她大为恼火。而在城市的另一边,阿燕因为睡过头而一团忙乱,结果竟在自己的被窝里发现一个名叫御前崎舞子的妙龄女郎。路过于此的小天将这一切告诉了樱花、阿当和拉姆,引得众人不明所以全部冲向阿燕的住所。经过一番解释众人才得知,原来舞子是一只幽灵,头天晚上偶然被地缚灵缠住,幸亏阿燕出手才得救,而舞子也对阿燕一见钟情,就此对他纠缠不已。这一切都令樱花醋意大发,原定美好的约会被搅得一团糟……   本片根据高桥留美子的同名漫画改编,是该系列动画的OVA版。
