Filme stiintifice medicale de prof. dr. Marinescu (1898-1901)(1901)



导演:Dr. Marinescu / 

Filme stiintifice medicale de prof. dr. Marinescu (1898-1901):在线播放

Filme stiintifice medicale de prof. dr. Marinescu (1898-1901):最新迅雷BT资源

Filme stiintifice medicale de prof. dr. Marinescu (1898-1901):最新字幕下载

Filme stiintifice medicale de prof. dr. Marinescu (1898-1901):剧情介绍

There is no IMDb Link for this. It's a short Romanian movie made by Dr. Marinescu between 1989 and 1901, the quality it's not the best, of course, also the movie has a few Romanian Intertitles. There's no sound at all.
