谢谢,莱伊医生Merci Docteur Rey(2002)

又名:Merci... Dr Rey ! / 谢谢,雷医生


主演:Stanislas Merhar 黛安·韦斯特 简·伯金 布鲁·欧吉尔 

导演:Andrew Litvack / 





Plot Summary:A hot young phone sex addict and his narcissistic opera diva mom. A dangerously agitated hustler and a half-dozen dangerously agitated hustlers who look just like him. A tittering neurotic who thinks she's Vanessa Redgrave and Vanessa Redgrave herself. Pot brownies, puke jokes, a gay dad, a flying lesbian, Jerry Hall, a dead body and a fetish for Brian DePalma movies! Anchoring the mayhem is Elisabeth Beaumont, an American opera star visiting Paris to perform "Turandot" and dabble in some belated mothering of her 23 year-old son Thomas. Thomas doesn't need mothering; he needs some good hot manhandling. And, in the best DePalma tradition, the quest for sex leads to voyeurism and voyeurism, leads to murder. From there, it's just a short path to therapy. Unfortunately, the psychiatrist that Thomas visits is a little on the dead side herself, and a nutty patient has taken her place.
23岁的托米在网站上发布了交友信息,寻找条件相当的伴侣,同性伴侣。在经历几次失败的约会后,一个晚上,托米接到一个神秘电话,电话里的男人跟他说了一些奇怪的话,约他到一所公寓相见。好奇心驱使下,托米如约而至,按照电话所说的人的叮嘱从地毯下找到公寓钥匙,并躲到衣橱中。随后目瞪口呆地目睹了一起谋杀....   镜头转到一间心理咨询室内,女演员絮絮叨叨地跟心理医生抱怨着生活,却突然发现心理医生居然已经停止了呼吸。惊慌失措之中,因为凶杀案而欲寻求心理咨询的托米敲开了门:你好,你是docteur rey吗?   女演员顺水推舟地扮演起了 docteur rey.....
