机械心Jack et la mécanique du coeur(2013)

又名:心之动力学/The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart/The Mechanics of the Heart

上映日期:2013-11-17(阿拉斯加电影节) / 2014-02-05(法国)片长:94分钟

主演:马赛厄斯·马尔修 奥利维娅·鲁兹 让·雷谢夫 萝西·德·帕尔马 

导演:施特凡·柏拉 / 





Plot Summary:Edinburgh, late 19th century. Little Jack is born on a day so cold that his heart remains frozen. Madeleine the midwife replaces his heart with a cuckoo-clock. It will work, as long as Jack follows the rules, mainly not falling in love. But his encounter with a fiery-eyed girl singing on a street corner and his decision to chase after her will test the resistance of his makeshift heart to the breaking point... Jack and the Cuckoo-Clock Heart is a magnificent love story set in an exciting period full of fabulous inventions, eccentric characters and fantastic adventures. Adapted by Mathias Malzieu from his best-selling novel and the gold-selling album by his band Dionysos, this superbly animated movie is about passion and acceptance of others.
19世纪末的爱丁堡,在一个极度寒冷的冬天,痛苦的孕妇找到被人称作巫婆的玛德莲大夫(Marie Vincent 配音)。不久,一个孱弱的婴儿降临人间,但是这个小家伙的心都冻僵了,为此玛德莲帮他安装了机械心脏。孩子的生母不告而别,玛德莲将其作为亲生儿子抚养,并起名杰克(Mathias Malzieu 配音)。她告诫杰克不可以生气,避免强烈的情绪起伏,尤其要避免陷入爱恋。小杰克一天天长大,在他十岁的那年他首度来到镇上玩耍,并和命运中的天使邂逅。他的机械心脏出了故障, 冒出浓烟,他知道他恋爱了。从这一天起,杰克注定要踏上追寻爱情的征程…… 本片根据马提亚斯·马吉尔(Mathias Malzieu)的原著改编。©豆瓣
