Plot Summary:Taking bad taste humor to unprecedented levels, Cheerleader Autopsy is an amiably sick low-budget horror-comedy from Writer/Director Stu Dodge!..Robert Firsching, All Movie Guide. The Plot: When a freak accident strikes down a bus load of nubile cheerleaders, all hopes seem lost for the Fighting Beavers of Stinkwater High...until an Alzheimer-afflicted mortician, his opportunistic college-dropout nephew and a simpering night janitor discover that one of the girls is still alive despite her gruesome disfigurements. The three men soon find themselves pitted against each other in a winner takes all face off for control of the last of the Beavers, and the recipe for an astonishingly potent healing elixir! If you're a fan of those late 70s/early 80s camp movies, and would like to see more dead cheerleaders than you can shake a stick at (if you're prone to shaking sticks at things), then CHEERLEADER AUTOPSY is for you! The DVD of this feature includes the DIRECTOR'S CUT of the movie, behind-the-scenes footage, a SPFX life-casting session and hilarious out-takes; all in Dolby Digital Stereo! Parental Discretion is Advised.