百老汇旋律The Broadway Melody(1929)

又名:红伶秘史 / 百老汇歌舞 / The Broadway Melody of 1929

上映日期:1929-02-01(洛杉矶首映) / 1929-06-06(美国)片长:100分钟

主演:查尔斯·金 贝茜·洛芙 安妮塔·佩姬 

导演:哈里·博蒙特 / 编剧:爱德芒德·古尔丁 Edmund Goulding/萨拉·Y·梅森 Sarah Y. Mason/诺尔曼·休斯敦 Norman Houston/詹姆斯·格利森 James Gleason



日期 资源名称
2021-05-21 百老汇旋律 The Broadway Melody.srt
2021-05-21 百老汇歌舞.The.Broadway.Melody.1929.zip
2021-03-09 百老汇旋律 The Broadway Melody.srt
2019-05-12 百老汇歌舞.The.Broadway.Melody.1929.zip


Plot Summary:Harriet and Queenie Mahoney, a vaudeville act, come to Broadway, where their friend Eddie Kerns needs them for his number in one of Francis Zanfield's shows. Eddie was in love with Harriet, but when he meets Queenie, he falls in love to her, but she is courted by Jock Warriner, a member of the New Yorker high society. It takes a while till Queenie recognizes, that she is for Jock nothing more than a toy, and it also takes a while till Harriet recognizes, that Eddie is in love with Queenie.
汉克(贝茜·洛芙 Bessie Love 饰)和奎妮(安妮塔·佩姬 Anita Page 饰)是情同手足的好姐妹,两人相约来到车水马龙的繁华大都市纽约,在汉克的老相好艾迪(查尔斯·金 Charles King 饰)的帮助之下,两人进入了歌舞团成为了歌舞女郎,很快就声名鹊起。   虽然汉克和艾迪已经相恋多年,但艾迪发现自己竟然情不自禁的被奎妮深深的吸引,与此同时,娇俏可人的奎妮赢得了大富豪贾科(肯尼思·汤姆森 Kenneth Thomson 饰)的青睐,后者对她展开了非常热烈的攻势。汉克看出贾科是一个心术不正的纨绔子弟,屡屡劝说奎妮离他远一点,但奎妮早已经陷入了贾科为她编织的美梦之中。
