

主演:夏菁 陶慧敏 傅艺伟 刘晓庆 林默予 章杰 赵丽蓉 何赛飞 李法曾 

导演:谢铁骊 / 赵元 / 编剧:谢铁骊 Tieli Xie/谢逢松 Fengsong Xie





Plot Summary:Based on the mid-eighteenth century novel, The Dream of Red Mansions is a story that tells about the love between Pao Yu and Tai Yu. It also exposes the evils of the feudal system and the crimes of the feudal ruling class through the prosperity and decline of the four notable families of Chia, Shich, Wang, and Hsueh. Tai Yu is a beautiful girl who occasionally gets ill. Her cousin Pao Yu falls for her over the years and puts up with Tai Yu's sensitivity and fragile health. They live in the Grand View Garden of their village along with their cousins and Pao Yu's Siblings, where they go to school and spend quality time. The story gives praise to the revolts of the slaves in the Grand View Garden and reflects the social contradictions and early democratic thinking of their time.
声名显赫的京城贾家分荣、宁二府。荣公长孙贾赦,独一子名贾琏。次孙贾政娶王氏,生子名珠,早逝;次女元春,选为贵妃;又得一子,因口中衔玉,玉又有字,名宝玉。宝玉不爱读八股文,却偏爱和女孩子搅在一起。贾政妹妹贾敏嫁扬州林如海,膝下一女,名黛玉。黛玉11岁丧母,林如海将其送到贾 府依伴外祖母史太君。黛玉与宝玉初次见面,竟无一点生疏。王夫人胞妹嫁于薛家,女儿宝钗知书达理。为宝钗选女官,薛姨妈合家进京,客居贾家。贾府为迎元妃省亲,特修省亲别墅——大观园。元月十五,亲人得一日相聚。
