怎么了,医生?Co je vám, doktore?(1984)

又名:What's Up Doc?


主演:兹旦内克·斯维拉克 Ivona Krajcovicová 

导演:Vít Olmer / 编剧:Antonín Mása/Vít Olmer/德内克·斯维拉克 Zdenek Sverák





Plot Summary:Zdenek Sverak, one of the most interesting contemporary writers, in the tragicomedy Co je vám, doktore? wrote the role of the protagonist for himself - an idealistic, humble man who uses a humorous outlook to compensate for his dissatisfaction with external realities. However, as the problems of the 40-year-old dentist, Burda, exacerbate, he is moved to revolt against his current way of life. The desire to live a simple life in the countryside, leads the technophobic hero to move from the big city to the mountains in the company of a new, younger woman, whose outlook means she is more suited to him than his present wife. But this idealistic escape to the \"purity\" of nature ends in a realistic fashion - with a return to the city.
