Plot Summary:"Baptists at Our Barbecue" is the comedic story of the small town of Longwinded, USA, a divided, feuding town of 262 Mormons and 262 Baptists. It's also a love story, about one man who will try anything to end the ridiculous feud, bring the town together, and keep the peace-loving girl of his dreams from leaving town.
那个喜剧故事发生在美国一个叫 Longwinded(绕嘴饶舌) 的小镇上,一个由互相仇视的浸礼教和摩门教瓜分的小镇。这也是一个爱情故事,说的是一个男人不惜一切结束这种荒唐的仇视,统一这个小镇,也为了他爱好和平的梦中女孩不要离开。