The Goose Hangs High(1925)


主演:康斯坦斯·贝内特 默特尔·斯特德曼 乔治·欧文 艾斯特·罗尔斯顿 Edward Peil Jr. Gertrude Claire 詹姆斯·A·马库斯 Anne Schaefer Z. Wall Covington Cecille Evans 

导演:詹姆斯·克鲁兹 / 编剧:Lewis Beach

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The Goose Hangs High:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Having a municipal position, Bernard Ingals has almost bankrupted himself sending his three children to college. The youngsters all arrive home for Christmas Eve, and their parents do their utmost to give them a good time, but the thoughtless, selfish children make other plans and go to a party, leaving their parents to a lonely dinner. A member of the common council arrives at the Ingals home and orders Bernard to reinstate a municipal employee who has been dismissed; Bernard refuses and submits his resignation. The grandmother, a strong-minded old lady, sets out to put things right: she stakes Bernard to his life-long dream, his own greenhouse; then lectures the children on their thoughtless, profligate ways. The children reform and get jobs, and the goose hangs high at last.
