Their Seaside Tangle(1917)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 编剧:Al Christie

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Their Seaside Tangle:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Mr. and Mrs. Newlywed select Sea Breeze for their vacation at the beach and the same resort is decided upon by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The women are jealous of their husbands and the husbands evince equal concern over the behavior of their respective wives. Betty and Jay set out for a day on the sands and the first point of interest appealing to Betty is Billy Smith. Mrs. Smith is no less interested in Jay. Trouble starts when Betty leaps into the ocean for a swim, in which pastime she proves herself an adept. Unfortunately Jay is unable to swim a stroke. But Billy is a powerful swimmer and deserts his wife for the more sportive splash with the alluring Mrs. Newlywed. Mrs. Smith's attempts at swimming are quite as futile as the efforts of Jay Newlywed. Betty and Billy are getting along \"swimmingly\" when Jay develops a demonstrative peeve. The affliction spreads to Mrs. Smith. Tortured by the deep sea spooning of Betty and Billy, Jay and Mrs. Smith vainly appeal to the Sea Breeze police force to separate them. Jay finally decides upon the ruse of faking suicide. He empties a bottle of its contents of carbolic acid and substitutes water. This he swallows in plain view of Betty. She hastily summons a physician, who renders first aid by vigorously applying the stomach pump. The fake is discovered. The Smiths depart, leaving Jay and Betty \"fussing.\" Betty taunts Jay by telling him she knew the \"poison\" was only water.
