Thirty Days(1917)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 编剧:Al Christie

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Plot Summary:A craving for a night with the boys brings grief to the home of the Newlyweds. Jay is at the club and the hour is late. Mrs. Newlywed paces the floor and halts when a cuckoo clock announces the hour of one. She gives up hope and prepares to retire. When the game breaks up, Jay wanders home and makes a stealthy entrance. The cuckoo calls twice. Jay promptly cuckoos some more with the hope of fooling his wife on the hour of his return. She is far from fooled and makes life miserable for him. The next morning at breakfast a messenger brings a telegram that calls for Mrs. Newlywed's immediate departure for her mother's, who is ill. She leaves for the train after making Jay promise not to go to the club during her absence. Jay determines to bring the club to him. He calls the boys and invites them to a game at his house. While he is talking to them he sees men post a quarantine notice on the house next door. Soon after the game starts Jay sees an old couple approaching the house, and recognizes his wife's uncle and aunt. In desperation he steals the fever sign from the neighbor's house and posts it on his own door. The ruse works and the couple depart in all speed. Trouble develops when the boys attempt to leave the house after the game. Every effort is foiled by the health officers, until Jay calls the club, and his pals promise to assume the role of undertakers and carry them from the house in coffins. Ethel, in the meantime, gives up the journey to her mother and returns in time to upset all their plans. The police arrest Jay and the boys and they are sentenced to thirty days in jail for the disturbance they have caused. Ethel forgives Jay when she sees him behind the bars.
