Some Runner(1913)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 

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Plot Summary:Eddie is entered to run in a race to be held on the following day, and his backer, who has bet $10,000 on his winning, urges Eddie to retire early. Eddie sets his alarm clock and \"turns in\" to get the needful sleep. Eddie is a sound sleeper, and the warning of \"Big Ben\" the next morning, that it is time for him to get up, falls to rouse him. The ringing of the alarm simply disturbs him somewhat, and he turns over and sleeps more soundly than ever. He dreams a beautiful dream of responding promptly to the alarm and starting out for the race course. There he leisurely takes his place with the rest of the runners, and starts out after them. On the way, in passing along the street, he hears cries for help and stops to investigate. He dashes into the house from whence they issue, knocks the villain down and rushes out with the girl. The girl is grateful and tells him he has won her heart. Eddie is susceptible and proposes. The girl accepts and consents to an immediate marriage. They repair to a clothing store, where Eddie buys a suit of clothes, and from thence they immediately go to a Justice of the Peace and are married. He then takes her to their new home, where he leaves her to finish the race. In the meantime the runners have passed the seven-mile post, and Eddie's backer is frantically looking for him. The checkers tell him he has not passed, but suddenly in the distance they see him coming on and he runs by like a flash. Eddie overtakes the other runners, and on the road is stopped by a butler, who tells him of several masked men having kidnapped his master and stolen a sack of gold. He implores Eddie to rescue the old man and tells him the direction the kidnapper's auto took. Eddie pursues in another auto and overtakes the kidnappers, rescues the old man and his gold. He takes the old man back to his home and receives the bag of gold as a reward. Eddie again goes back to continue the race. The runners by this time have passed the fifteen mile post and his backer has said good-bye to his $10,000 bet. When within a mile from the finish, Eddie is again seen coming on like a whirlwind and wins the race. Amid cheers and cries, the crowd lifts him and bears him away on their shoulders. And then, Eddie is rudely awakened by his backer, who comes in to tell him the race is over.
