Under Western Skies(1913)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 

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Plot Summary:Bob is accepted as Bess' fiancé and all runs happily until the arrival of a stranger, who gradually fascinates the simple girl of the ranch. Despite the protest of her family Bess listens to the interloper and it is not long before Bob comes to realize that he has been superseded in the girl's affections. Shortly after he received a note from her confessing her change of heart. It is not long after the marriage that the true nature of the stranger asserts itself; he takes to gambling and ill-treating Bess. Bob looks on, unable to help, though his heart grows heavy. In the heart of a quarrel one afternoon there is an exchange of shots and the stranger flees, leaving a man stretched on the floor. Bob, who has been made sheriff, learns of the affair and seeing his duty starts in pursuit. There is a wild chase, the stranger is ambushed, there are several shots and he, in turn, is stretched on the ground, dead. The days pass on, allowing the girl to appreciate how unwise she bad been in her first choice. Bob calls with his usual bunch of flowers, and her acceptance of them proves a readjustment of conditions and ideas.
