What the Wild Waves Did(1913)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 

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What the Wild Waves Did:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lee is in love with Marie, but, being a soda fountain clerk, he cannot resist the temptation to flirt with the many pretty girls who partake of \"sundaes\" and the like at his counter. Marie catches him flirting with one of the pretty damsels, and in high dudgeon writes him a note to the effect that she is through with him and prefers to spend her week's holiday at the beach alone with Ramona. The girls make preparations to leave. Ramona buys a very stunning bathing costume for $5.00. Marie, not to be outdone, buys one that \"looks just like Ramona's,\" but only costs $1.48. Lee, hoping to conciliate Marie, and at the same time make her envious, sees (what he thinks is a bargain) a very nifty white flannel outfit and buys it, and hies himself to the beach. But at the beach Marie scorns to look at him, much less to talk to him, and when she passes with a merry group of boys and girls bound for the surf, in all the glory of her bargain counter bathing suit, Lee meekly follows to sit and look on. When she has had her fill of the surf, Marie emerges from the water, only to dash madly back again, for, alas and alack, her costume has somewhat diminished. This proves Lee's opportunity and, unmindful of \"ice cream\" suit he dashes madly through the breakers and rescues the shivering Marie. His suit of white flannels also undergo a change. But, blissful in their renewed happiness, the two lovers saunter off to the hotel, oblivious of the mirth their changed appearance makes.
