Teaching Dad a Lesson(1913)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 

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Teaching Dad a Lesson:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Father, a grievous flirt, believes be is getting away with it. His wife has his number, however. The son returns from college, and with his chum and sweetheart, goes to a café. In the next room, the son hears his father making violent love to a young lady. The son rigs up a scheme, in which his sweetheart plays an important part. The sweetheart flirts with father, makes an appointment, and accompanies him to the café. In the midst of their love-making, the chum, disguised, breaks into the room. He asks the girl what she means by leaving her little children for \"this.\" Telling the flirtatious father that this is the last home he shall ever wreck, the boy takes a shot at him. Father escapes and beats it home, never again to throw down his wife.
