Curses! Said the Villain(1913)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 

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Curses! Said the Villain:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The Sultan's Grand Vizier has been on a holiday. On the returning steamer he sees Ramona, who is making a tour of the Orient with her father and her lover, Eddie. The Grand Vizier awaits his chance and talks to Ramona. He kisses her, and Eddie, who rushes to the rescue, is foiled of his vengeance by the Vizier and his servant. Arriving at the Oriental City, the Grand Vizier tells the Sultan of the \"peach\" he has met, and the Sultan arranges to have the party invited to the palace. Ramona and Eddie visit the Sultan, and seeing the Grand Vizier there, are frightened and eventually get away. The Sultan lays a trap. The young couple are inveigled into taking a row on the water, and are overpowered by the Grand Vizier and the servant, who are hiding on the boat. They are dragged to the palace and imprisoned. Ramona is taken to make the acquaintance of the Harem ladies. Eddie breaks his bonds, finds a saw in the prison, cuts the floor boards and sees through the hole that the Sultan, Grand Vizier and other Hoodledocks, are plotting against Ramona and Eddie. Eddie escapes by knocking a guard down and entering the Sultan's laboratory, he knocks the learned doctor out and swipes his chloroform bottle. He returns to his prison, ties a sponge full of chloroform on a string, drops it on the Hookah pipe bowl. The villains are drugged, and this paves the way for the escape of Eddie and Ramona.
