Lizzie and the Beauty Contest(1915)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 编剧:Al Christie

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Lizzie and the Beauty Contest:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Lizzie lives in Weedville and in Jed has a devoted lover. One day Jed, in looking over the paper, sees that the Universal is running a beauty contest, the winner to take a trip to Universal City and the fair. He immediately puts Lizzie up as a contestant and enlists the aid of the village rustics in her behalf. At last the contest closes and Lizzie is selected to represent her section. Jed, for his faithful work, is made her publicity agent. They meet the beauty special, and, after various experiences, are admitted to the party. Upon arriving at Universal City. Jed and Lizzie take in all the sights. Lizzie is introduced to the judge who is to help decide the winner of the contest and makes a hit with him. Later the whole party are taken for a trip to San Diego to see the exposition and have a royal time. Jed sneaks Lizzie off from the party for a joy ride on the \"chicken scoops,\" but the wily Judge misses her and sets the chaperones after them. Both are dragged back and warned to \"stick around\" with the crowd. The judge takes a long chance, steals Lizzie off and makes a trip through the concessions, but he is missed, captured and led back. The beauties all come back to Universal City for the final judgment as to the winner. All are assembled and the judging starts. Lizzie is missing, and she and Jed are found at the animal arena gazing around. They are haled before the judges. The judge is strong for Lizzie, but has strong opposition. Jed is not allowed to be near the girls and is sitting dejectedly in the rear, when a mysterious person slips up and tells him of a famous beauty doctor who can make even an \"Egyptian mummy\" good looking. He slips Lizzie away and leads her to the \"doctor.\" Lizzie is steamed, vapored, frozen and anointed, and when she finally comes from the doctor's hands she is a vision. Jed hurried her back and arrives just as the contest is closing. He rushes Lizzie in and, of course, she wins by a mile.
