With Father's Help(1915)



导演:阿尔·克里斯蒂 / 编剧:Al Christie

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Plot Summary:Father has chosen as a future husband for his daughter Percival. a wealthy young man. Daughter loves Jack, who is honest but poor. Mother has still another matrimonial possibility in view, with a young aristocrat with no money. Mother has things her own way and father to avoid a family row, apparently agrees with mother's choice, but gets the daughter aside and tells her he will give her $500 to elope with Percival. Arrangements for the event go forward. Mother is in her glory. Father is also m a high state of good humor. Daughter however, slips the word to Jack to be at the house early and she will go away with him. The event is scheduled for 3 o'clock. Mother's choice, thinking he has plenty of time, is languidly dressing. Percival sets out in his automobile and on the road is met by Jack, who ties him up and leaves him beside the road in the bushes. They all hear an automobile horn at the gate. Mother is suspicious, knowing it is not time for the wedding. Father has to use all his powers to quiet her suspicions. The daughter slips in and tells father that she is ready to elope and he sneaks her the five hundred dollars and holds mother's attention while she slips out. Then mother's choice shows up and there is more excitement. She realizes her daughter has eloped and telephones to the police to catch the eloping couple on the south road. Hastily calling their car she and hubby pile in and start after the fugitives. Jack and his fiancée see them coming, and running the car to one side, duck into the tonneau. Mother comes up to them and asks the chauffeur if he saw an eloping couple. He points ahead and they rush on. They run into the cops who are watching for the elopers and are arrested by mistake. Father insults the cops in the hopes that they will take them to the station and thereby be sure that the elopers escape. Finally they are turned loose and outside meet poor Percival, who tells them his tale of woe. At last father acknowledges that he has been outwitted by the wily couple and gives them his blessing.
