


导演:Bert Salzman / 编剧:Bert Salzman





Plot Summary:As safe-breakers go, Sam is the best. He is painstaking and thoroughly cautious and consequently has never been caught, which is why Cara wants his services. As a result of a lover's tiff her family's jewels have been taken from her and locked in a safe, which she wants him to open. He is not overly happy when she opts to come with him for the job, but he has disguises for them so that they can make a quick getaway. But is this to be the first mistake in Sam's illustrious career?
Miguel, a Puerto Rican boy has moved to New York City with his family. He finds his ability to speak English and Spanish puts him at an advantage in assisting his family in their new surroundings. Miguel later stretches his ingenuity to an extreme when, to put food on his family's table, he goes fishing in the heavily polluted East River.
