На крючке!(2011)

又名:Na kryuchke!


主演:Екатерина Вилкова Константин Крюков Марат Башаров 

导演:Наталья Углицких / 编剧:Наталья Углицких

На крючке!:在线播放

На крючке!:最新迅雷BT资源

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На крючке!:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Children's school coach in figure skating Rita is hurt by a wrong lover. He left her to marry the sister of a certain Vlasov, who is occupying the 13th place in the list of the richest people in the country. In order to avenge the failed fiance, Rita decides to make this very Vlasov fall in love with her. There is only one "small" problem: no one knows how the mysterious Vlasov looks like..
