
又名:All Out Nine-Field Of Nightmares


主演:藤冈弘 堀北真希 玉山铁二 田中直树 

导演:羽住英一朗 / 编剧:福田雄一





Plot Summary:Adversity. The only word that is perhaps as important to Toshi is \"baseball,\" seeing as how he's the captain of All-Out High School's team. But because the team's record is all losses and no wins, the Principal has made it clear to Toshi that their days are over. Their precious baseball field will be handed over to the soccer team (an unbearable bunch of undeserving jerks!). But nothing seems to motivate Toshi like adversity - his family name, Fukutsu, means \"fighting spirit\" - and he defiantly tells the Principal that his team will challenge the undisputed champs, Sunrigh High, and if the All-Out team wins, they will keep their field. Toshi's visions of glory are not initially shared by his teammates, but with a little encouragement - okay, a whole gut wrenching mountain of overwrought drama - Toshi gets them on the field to confront Sunrise. It's raining, however, and the frightening Sunrise team shows up just long enough to tell the All-Out gang that they've won by forfeiture. Could things be looking up for the team? Possibly, but more likely, they'll be facing a whole lot moreover¦ you guessed it, adversity.
故事发生在位于东京的全力高中内,该校的棒球队拥有史无前例的弱小实力,屡战屡败,每次联赛都是垫底的那一个。长此以往,校长终于对无能的棒球队和球队教练不屈斗志(玉山铁二 饰)下达了废部警告。然而,不屈斗志并没有放弃组建球队的理想,他决定带领懒散懦弱的队员们打一场漂亮的翻身仗。   训练计划已经制定,但执行起来却面临着重重的阻碍。在克服了各种各样的困难,遇到了数不清的挫折之后,球队总算是取得了他们的第一场胜利。之后,不屈斗志更是提出了一个听起来几乎不可能完成的计划,那就是称霸甲子园。
