枪手安东 斯皮尔莱克Anton Spelec, ostrostrelec(1932)


主演:弗拉斯塔·布里安 Ruzena Slemrová 马尔万·雅罗斯拉夫 Theodor Pistek Jindrich Plachta Jirí Dréman Ella Nollová Karel Postranecký Frantisek Kreuzmann Alexander Trebovský Cenek Slégl Karel Schleichert Viktor Nejedlý Emanuel Hríbal Ferdinand Jarkovský Anna Pírková Robert Ford Václav Menger Jan W. Speerger Antonín Fric Luigi Hofman Jindrich Edl F.X. Mlejnek Jan Richter 

导演:马丁·弗里茨 / 编剧:Emil Artur Longen/Josef Neuberg

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日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Anton Spelec ostrostrelec Czech

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枪手安东 斯皮尔莱克:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:True, Anton Spelec (Vlasta Burian) is by trade a producer of musical instruments, but in his heart and soul he is a sharp-shooter. In a little provincial town arrangements are being made for a large parade during which the worthy sharp-shooters will be decorated with medals. Anton believes that this time the council will come to him but he is disappointed, for they are one medal short and he must wait for another year. Then in the pub he drinks so much that he insults the emperor for which he is sentenced to jail. It is necessary, however, to fulfill the order, so Anton decides to send his employee Josef Kukacka (Jindrich Plachta) in his stead while he works secretly at home alone. But even Kukacka doesn't want to go to jail and he sends there in his place a vagabond who would like to wait out the winter in a jail cell. As luck would have it, the vagabond dies while serving the sentence. So it comes about that Anton is officially dead and in the town a solemn funeral is planned.
捷克百佳之一。安东·斯皮尔莱克虽是一个乐器制造商,但更是一位神枪手,在一年一度的枪手授勋会上,他满怀期待,可惜因为少了一枚勋章,只能等来年了,失望之余,情急之下,在酒馆黑就时不慎出言侮辱了国王,因此被送往监狱,但他心生一计,让其雇员Josef Kukacka代他服刑,他自己则在家秘密工作,而Josef Kukacka也如样炮制,让一个流浪汉李代桃僵,结果流浪汉在服刑期间去世。如此一来,安东·斯皮尔莱克在官方文件中死亡了,葬礼也得以举行。
