弗里玛爸爸Le Père Frimas(2013)



导演:Iouri Tcherenkov / 





Plot Summary:At the top of a very high mountain lives Father Frismas, a delicious character endowed with bewitching powers. For times immemorial, Father Frismas has always made sure that every corner of the valley receives the perfect amount of snow in winter. But this year, it seems pretty hard to find the right balance. Indeed, since gentle Paul married Edwige - a city-dweller who can't stand the cold - then got lost in the forest and woke up awful Sylvain, his daughter Lucie hasn't had a moment of peace to knit socks.
Au sommet des Alpes, vit le Père Frimas, un merveilleux personnage aux pouvoirs enchanteurs. Chaque hiver, il veille à ce que la neige recouvre bien toute la forêt. Mais cette année, rien ne se passe comme prévu. Sylvain, l’esprit de la forêt, sort brusquement de son hibernation affamé et grognon …
