守护天使Andelská tvár(2002)


主演:Michaela Kuklová Filip Blazek Jirí Pomeje Jaroslav Bartunek 

导演:Zdenek Troska / 





Plot Summary:The story is set in 19th century France. A mysterious man saves Charlotta's ( ) life when the convent in which she lives catches fire. Ten years later she marries Raoul de Mornay ( ), a charming earl who lives in a mansion with his rather peculiar brother, Filip ( ). Charlotta notices that strange things begin to happen around the castle, though the servants bite their tongues and Raoul manages to cover crimes Filip apparently commits. When the mansion is set on fire and a murder is committed, Charlotta assumes that Raoul is behind it all. She finds herself in mortal danger and it is Filip, whom she once feared, who comes to her rescue.
夏洛特(米雪拉·库克罗瓦 Michaela Kuklová 饰)的父亲去世之后,家境一年不如一年,在修道院苟延残喘了两年之后,夏洛特和母亲(艾米丽娅·瓦萨约娃 Emília Vásáryová 饰)不得不向姨妈寻求庇护。虽然收留了可怜的母女两人,但姨妈对夏洛特非常的刻薄。夏洛特那一心想要飞上枝头变凤凰的表姐玛格丽特(Dana Moravková 饰)也常常对她冷嘲热讽。寄人篱下的生活让夏洛特吃尽了苦头。   在一场盛大的舞会中,夏洛特邂逅了名为保罗(Filip Blazek 饰)的伯爵,两人一见钟情,很快便决定携手步入婚姻的殿堂。可就在婚礼即将举行的这个节骨眼上,保罗的哥哥菲利普(Jirí Pomeje 饰)找到了夏洛特,他对夏洛特只有一个告诫,那就是快逃。
