生死连线The Operator(2000)



主演:迈克尔·劳伦斯 斯蒂芬·托布罗斯基 布里翁·詹姆斯 布拉德·利兰 杰奎琳·金 洛里·海瑞 克瑞丝塔·米勒 Bethany Wright 卡里·佩顿 Lilas Lane George Russo 李·斯特林格 Lee Stringer Melody Jones Elbert Lewis Gary Graves Paul Heckmann 梅林达·雷纳 

导演:Jon Dichter / 编剧:Jon Dichter





Plot Summary:In Dallas, the thirty-one year old arrogant lawyer Gary Wheelan is a wolf, unfaithful husband and gambler. He works at a law firm and presently he is defending the scum Vernon Woods, who has embezzled a large amount from retired people, and Mr. Sloan, who wants to declare his mother senile to administrate her money. Gary wins one bet and when his bookie Doc pays the amount, he decides to buy a Jaguar betting again. Gary offends a telephone operator and later she returns to him telling that she is Shiva (the destroyer and transformer Delty from the Hinduism) and she will destroy his life. From the next day on, Shiva interferes in Gary's life that turns upside-down and he loses his wife, his car, his credit rating and his reputation. What will happen to Gary?
在达拉斯,31岁的傲慢律师加里·惠兰(Gary Wheelan)是一只狼,不忠的丈夫和赌徒。他在一家律师事务所工作,目前正在为弗农·伍兹(Vernon Woods)和斯隆辩护。弗农·伍兹侵吞了大量退休人员的钱财。加里赢了一个赌注,当他的赌徒医生支付了这笔钱,他决定再次购买美洲虎赌博。加里冒犯了一个电话接线员,后来她回来告诉他,她是湿婆(印度教的毁灭者和变形者德尔蒂),她会毁了他的生活。从第二天开始,希瓦就介入了加里的生活,加里的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,他失去了妻子、汽车、信用评级和声誉。加里会怎么样?
