安娜·卡列尼娜Anna Karenina(1953)


主演:阿拉·塔拉索娃 Nikolai Sosnin 帕维尔·马萨尔斯基 维克托·斯坦尼岑 Ye. Aleyeva Aleksei Zakalinsky 安格林娜·斯捷潘诺娃 Mariya Durasova N. Slastenina Grigori Konsky Irina Gosheva Boris Petker Yevgeniya Khovanskaya Sofiya Pilyavskaya N. Mikhajlovskaya 

导演:塔季扬娜·卢卡舍维奇 / 编剧:列夫·托尔斯泰 Leo Tolstoy/Nikolay Volkov





Plot Summary:This film is the record of the stage performance in 1953 by the cast of the Moscow Art Theater. Based on the eponymous book by Leo Tolstoy. Anna Arkadievna Karenina is 20 years younger than her tough husband Aleksei Aleksandrovich Karenin. Anna meets the handsome Count Vronsky, and they fall in love with each other, and make a baby. But their happiness is under the pressure from Anna's husband, who is obstructing their divorce. The lovers are trying to escape from the society that is not accepting their love. But Count Vronsky does not want to abandon his social life. Anna becomes traumatized and depressed by the unbearable conflict with reality.
安娜卡列琳娜(艾拉·塔拉索娃 Alla Tarasova 饰)是一个成熟而又美丽的女人,她早早便成为了亚历山大的妻子,然而亚历山大实则利欲熏心之人,眼中只有功名利禄,在生活中对妻子十分淡漠。得知哥哥奥布朗斯基的婚姻亮起了红灯,安娜孤身一人来到了莫斯科,却因此遇见了名为渥伦斯基(帕维尔·马斯萨利斯基 Pavel Massalsky 饰)的骑兵军官。   和亚历山大不同,渥伦斯基风度翩翩而又充满了情趣,他的出现给安娜苍白孤独的生活带来了一丝快乐。可是,碍于自己的身份,安娜将自己对渥伦斯基的感情深深的压抑在心底,返回家乡彼得堡,哪知道渥伦斯基紧随其后,再度的重逢让安娜再也无法忽视汹涌而来的情感,两人打破了伦理道德的桎梏,走到了一起。
